• Mon - Thu: 08.00am to 05.00pm
  • Fri : 08.00am to 01.00pm
  • Contact : +1(574) 232-2992
  • Email : kosekdds@sbcglobal.net


Aesthetic dentistry is more than just making a single tooth look nice and pleasing to the eye, but making the tooth or teeth look “natural” within the smile. It entails creating a smile that is pleasing to the eye by re-creating the correct size, shape, color, and contours of the teeth and gums.

Dr. Kosek create smiles that incorporate all of these properties. Through continuing education in “The Smile Design” procedures, they have been able to re-create smiles that are not only pleasing to the eye but functional as well. Stop in today and see what can be done to help you feel and look your best.


Tooth colored fillings that give back your natural tooth appearance and feel, instead of the old silver amalgam fillings. Cured with ultraviolet light and ultra-strong, these are not only more aesthetic but better for the strength of the remaining tooth. If you want to restore your comfort without sacrificing your smile, composites are a great option.



Once, mainly metal-based crowns can now be made out of all-ceramic materials. This gets rid of the black-line that is sometimes evident with these restorations due to the metal substructure showing. This gives your smile a natural, youthful look without forfeiting any strength or restoration longevity.


Bridges are a treatment that replaces a missing tooth by attaching crowns to 2 or more adjacent teeth along with a tooth in the space missing the tooth. This procedure is used when:

  • The teeth on either side of the missing tooth are badly broken-down and need to be crowned.
  • In an area where an implant is not possible due to a lack of bone, or for financial constraints.
  • The patient prefers a bridge over an implant.

Bridges have been used in dentistry for over 100 years, and have a very good success rate, depending the on oral hygiene of the patient. With bridges, the teeth are still viable(alive) and need to be cared for just-like or better than natural teeth. Most bridges have a 7-15 year life-span depending on how well the patient maintains their mouth with 2x daily brushing, flossing and dental check-ups, along with their eating habits. Bridges are a very good alternative for replacement of a missing tooth or teeth, and the care-gives at Dr Kosek can help you determine if this is a good option for you.

Crowns & Bridges

Veneers or Componeers

Veneers can be done with two different types of materials: Composites or Porcelain. Composite veneers are done chair-side and do not involve the use of any laboratory procedures or return visits. They give a new, fresh look to the smile.

Porcelain veneers provide some of the best looking and longest lasting “state-of-the-art” restorations available today, though they necessitate the use of laboratory services. The procedure isdone by preparing the tooth by removing a small amount of the facial(front) surface of the tooth, then make an impression of the prepared teeth, that is sent to the lab to fabricate the veneers. After lab fabrication, the porcelain veneers are bonded very tightly to the tooth surface, providing a long lasting and beautiful smile.



Dental implants are designed to function the way natural teeth function. They look and feel natural and because they are permanent, you care for them the way you do natural teeth, unlike dentures, which need to be removed to be cleaned and which can have some unpleasant side-effects (moving, clicking, limiting the foods you can eat). Replacing missing teeth as soon as possible after tooth loss is important as adequate jaw bone is needed and the longer a tooth is missing the more bone loss occurs and impacts neighboring teeth as well as your overall facial shape. Dental implants have several benefits beyond the way that they look.

They don’t stain or decay and can last for a lifetime. Dental implants can also be used in conjunction with dentures (implant-supported dentures and dental bridges). Consisting of a small titanium post that fuses to your jaw bone, along with a custom-crafted dental crown or a dental bridge, we can use dental implants to replace a single missing tooth all the way up to an entire arch. Dr. Kosek offer dental implant restorations, too, for those who have lost or damaged existing dental crowns.


Root Canals

Root Canal Therapy (RCT) can save the root of the tooth and crown of the tooth in order to maintain its proper spacing and function in the mouth. RCT is the removal of the nerve and blood vessels from the canals within the tooth, and replacing them with a biocompatible sealer and a rubber material called gutta percha. Although the tooth no longer is viable(alive), it still functions in the mastication (chewing) of food just like a viable tooth. Root Canalled teeth must be restored with a full coverage crown. Either treatment can maintain your chewing efficiency and quality of life.

Dr. Kosek has had many years of experience in treating teeth with root canal therapy and has had great success with this procedure. He would be happy to discuss your options and what would fit best for your particular situation.

Root Canals